
Happy New Year

Happy new year pals! This time of year makes us all reflective, looking backwards and projecting forwards. 

From where I’m sat, I feel like I’m in the middle of one of the most creative and challenging periods of my life. I feel very alive. There is so much that is uncertain right now, so few of the old pillars left to hang a flag on. So it feels even more important for me as a man and a musician ‘to engage in the hard work of hope’, to borrow a phrase.

If there is value to what I do it is, I guess, in trying to articulate my own search for meaning in such a way as to allow the audience to do the same. It’s an imprecise and entirely subjective science, but I believe it in with all my heart.

I’m excited to be releasing this new EP ‘The Life That I Have’ on 31 Jan, with the new single ‘Family Affair’ out on the 10th. I have two big announcements waiting to come later in the month which I’m stoked to share with you when I can. In the meantime, I wish you all kindness in your reflections and thanks for being on the journey with me.

Big love

Jamie x