
F Spot Live Session & Record Store Day


Finally the sun is out and the cricket season beckons. Ive made the executive decision not to play many festivals this year having decided that my music doesn’t really work in that setting. So ill be spending the summer writing songs for a new album, enjoying the sunshine and playing cricket. Woo hoo!

The last few weeks have been pretty busy though with some great gigs around and about. Last saturday was Record Store Day and very exiting that Smugglers Records have opened a new record shop in Deal. I went down there and played instore alongside Will Varley, Cocos Lovers and Liam from Syd Arthur – it was great day. We all recorded songs for a unique one off record which was made in a day at the store. You should be able to get your hands on a limited number of copies from the shop! I also had the great pleasure of doing a live session and interview on Blues and Roots Radio. You can listen again to my F Spot Live Session that went out last friday below. Thanks to everyone at Folkstock Records for inviting me down, Daria for the interview and Lauren who engineered it all so wonderfully. I play 6 sings and talk a lot about why i do what i do, the funniest things left on trains, philosophy, songwriting and the future.

J x

The F Spot Live Sessions 24 – The Magic Lantern by Daria Kulesh on Mixcloud