
EP Lyrics no. 2 – Winter (Bill’s Song)

In advance of my new EP ‘The Life That I Have’ coming out on 31 January, I’m sharing the lyrics of each track over the next few weeks. This week it’s ‘Winter (Bill’s Song).

I wrote this one a while ago and recorded it on my second album ‘Love of Too Much Living’ back in 2014, but some songs stay with you. The best ones grow and their meaning evolves to embrace the current moment. When I first wrote ‘Winter’ I was in a very different place, and it was a lot about me and where I was at the time. But over the last few years I’ve started hearing it in my Dad’s voice and so I’ve made a new version of it for him.

This record represents a bridge between what’s been and what’s becoming, and the journey of this song really encapsulates that for me. Looking forward to sharing it with you. J x

Winter (Bill’s Song)

Winter’s cold is coming,
Lonely people stay indoors,
Huddled ’round their heaters,
Huddled ’round their heaters,
Like sailors missing shore.

We’re confronted every morning,
Of still waiting to grow up,
All your questions will be answered,
Your questions will be answered in time.

So put on all your jumpers,
And scream around the house.
And let it out…

The day’s the same as always,
But now it’s growing dark,
And nobody comes calling,
Nobody comes calling anymore.

If you’ve got no one to hold,
You can hold onto me,
You can hold onto me,
We’ll warm ourselves.

Where’s my lover?
And when’s my time?

In heaven we’ll find old friends,
We might laugh and make amends,
We might laugh and make amends,
Enjoy ourselves.

Where’s my lover?
And when’s my time?
