
‘Darling Day’ Premiered Today by For The Rabbits!

I am very excited that another song – ‘Darling Day’ – from the album is being premiered today by the great team at For The Rabbits. I wrote Darling Day about the unique kind of anxiety that I get in the middle of the night.


For The Rabbits had some kind words about the song:

“Musically, Darling Day is, initially at least, The Magic Lantern at their most stripped back, nodding towards Nick Drake or 100 Acres of Sycamore-era Fionn Regan, as Jamie is largely accompanied by gently finger-picked guitar lines. Across the track’s five-and-a-half minute duration it gradually swells, even as it remains delightfully subtle. Initially woodwind arrive, before drums enter, somewhat louder and straighter than you’d expect and latterly keyboards, saxophones and percussion create a quiet crescendo of sorts, before it fades into echo and reverb. The choice of instrumentation is nothing short of superb.

A songwriter combining the muted honesty of folk with the complexity and intrigue of jazz, ultimately The Magic Lantern’s sound is one based largely on the quality of his songwriting, and on this evidence, that’s never been stronger.”

All love and hope you enjoy it!

J x